Inventory Forecast

A business is an enterprise, a company or a firm or organizational entity involved in the provision of goods
One the fastest ways to reduce end to end Supply Chain costs, is to get your inventory under better control.
Inventory management is often be one of the back waters of a business, but getting it wrong can wreak havoc very quickly. If your company has some of these inventory control related symptoms, it might be time for an inventory management review:
-Too much working capital invested in inventory.
-Too much slow moving or obsolete inventory.
-Customer service failures and back orders due to lack of the correct inventory.
-Poor on shelf availability.
-Warehouses crammed to the rafters¡K with the wrong inventory.
-Lots of inter branch / warehouse transfers to get the right inventory in the right place.
We provide inventory control management plan and virtual inventory plan, which can easily be made without resorting to a large investment in people and inventory management systems.
Effective virtual inventory optimizes retail fulfillment by locating the product closest to the consumer and choosing the best routing option, determined by time and cost.